| | | | | | | | |
| Performance June 2019 2018-2019 | | | | |
| Agency for Community Treatment Services, Inc. (59-1860626) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 146 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 122 | | |
| | DC001 - Percent of members who indicate that they would like a referral on the Quality of Life Self-Assessment, will receive an appropriate referral for services based on a quarterly review | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | DC002 - Percent of members that complete the Quality of Life Self-Assessment will rate their overall quality of life as fair or greater based on a quarterly review | True | | 60.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS107 - Number of Participants Served in Drop-In/Self-Help | False | | 1,338 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 366 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,264 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 1,526 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 755 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 9,580 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 36 | | |
| CSA | | CSA01 - Children's Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 138 | | |
| | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 4,222 | | |
| | CSA03 - Children's Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 427 | | |
| |
M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 -
Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Baycare Behavioral Health, Inc. (59-1371752) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 22 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served
| False | | 4,029 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 961 | | |
| | BCV01 - Percent change in the number of Veterans and/or Family Members admitted to residential or outpatient treatment arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | True | | 0 | | |
| | BCV02 - Percent of Veterans and/or Family Members who Successfully Complete Residential or Outpatient Treatment | True | | 51.00% | | |
| | BCV03 - Percent of Veterans and/or Family Members not readmitted to detoxification with 30 days of discharge | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | BCV04 - Percent of Veterans and/or Family Members initiated into treatment services within 5 days of completed assessment | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | BCV05 - Percent of Veterans or Family Members who live in Stable Housing | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | BCV06 - Veteran and/or Family Member Number Served | True | | 75 | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 -
Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 -
90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | |
90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 11 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 7,891 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 50 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 906 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 216 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 178 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 392 | | |
| | BC009 -
Percent of children enrolled in Early Childhood Court (ages 0-3) who receive an Early Steps referral for a developmental screening | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | BC010 - Percent of parents of abused and neglected children enrolled in Early Childhood Court who are screened for substance abuse | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge
| False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 105 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | MSA91J - Percent of parents served who complete a pre and post Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) will improve their parenting functioning as measured on the AAPI-2 between admission and discharge.
| True | | 80.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 4,171 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CAT01 - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month.
| True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT02 - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03 - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT04 - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT06 - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge as determined by the NCFAS-G+R... | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,134 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 10 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| CSA | | BC003 -
Maintain adult and youth (family) participation in community based substance abuse prevention efforts (i.e. community education and skills presentations/trainings related to the National Prevention Strategies) | True | | 73 | | |
| | BC004 - Increase the number of unduplicated youth and families reached via care coordination services by 25% over baseline | True | | 642 | | |
| | BC005 - Increase the number of youth reached via psycho-educational and social emotional groups by 25% over baseline | True | | 2,015 | | |
| | BC006 - Increase the number of families that receive information on how to reduce unintentional injury- mortality rates of youth by 10% over baseline. | True | | 1,145 | | |
| | BC007 - Increase the number of parents of at risk youth reached via LPN Outreach services by 25% over baseline | True | | 339 | | |
| | BC008 - Increase the number of youth reached via evidenced based curricula by 25% over baseline | True | | 1,413 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 -
Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Boley Centers, Inc. (59-1290089) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 123 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 611 | | |
| |
AMH05 - Adult Mental Health Peer Support Number Served | False | | 25 | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 -
Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 -
90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | |
90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Center for Progress and Excellence (47-4810710) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc.
(59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 539 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 1,130 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 1 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 343 | | |
| | ASA05 -
Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 7 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 21 | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 147 | | |
| | M0725 -
Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Centerstone of Florida, Inc. (59-1009537) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 3,752 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 3,129 | | |
| | CH001 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with severe and persistent mental illness based on a quarterly review | True | | 40 | | |
| | CH002 - Percent of adults with serious mental illness who are competitively employed based on a quarterly review | True | | 40.00% | | |
| | CRS02 - Increase participant access to community-based behavioral health services after referral. | True | | 15.00% | | |
| | CRS03 -
Reduce number of individuals admitted to a forensic state mental health treatment facility | True | | 10 | | |
| | CRS06 - Emergency Room Diversion-CRF Transport pick up time for clients to be transferred to public or private receiving facility from emergency room | True | | 1.5000 | | |
| | CRS08 - Reduce drop-off processing time by law enforcement officers for admission to crisis services. (Centerstone only) | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | CRSNA - Centralized Receiving Facility Adult Number Served
| True | | 2,016 | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 - Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS).
| False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 -
90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04B - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04C - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04D - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT05B - FACT05 - Perent of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT05C - FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT05D - FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT06B -
FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT06C - FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT06D -
FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT07B - FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment... | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT07C -
FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment... | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT07D - FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment... | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT08B -
FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT08C - FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT08D -
FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09B - FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09C -
FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09D - FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10B - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record.
| True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10C - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10D - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11B - FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11C - FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11D -
FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | |
86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 7,800 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 6,439 | | |
| | NCS140 - Number of Participants Served in Mental Health Clubhouse | False | | 260 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission
| True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 208 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 945 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 325 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 14 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 521 | | |
| | BHC01 - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02 - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC03 - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge
| False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 67 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | MSA91J - Percent of parents served who complete a pre and post Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) will improve their parenting functioning as measured on the AAPI-2 between admission and discharge.
| True | | 80.00% | | |
| | NCS204 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 736 | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 18,245 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CAT01 - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT01B - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. (Centerstone's Sarasota/DeSoto Team) | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT01C - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. (Centerstone's Hendry/Glades Team) | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT02 - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT02B - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. (Centerstone's Sarasota/DeSoto Team) | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT02C - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. (Centerstone's Hendry/Glades Team) | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03 - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03B - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. (Centerstone's Sarasota/DeSoto Team) | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03C -
Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. (Centerstone's Hendry/Glades Team) | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT04 - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT04B - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. (Centerstone's Sarasota/DeSoto Team) | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT04C - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. (Centerstone's Hendry/Glades Team) | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT06 - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge as determined by the NCFAS-G+R... | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CAT06B -
Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge... (Centerstone's Sarasota/DeSoto Team) | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CAT06C - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge... (Centerstone's Hendry/Glades Team) | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,354 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 743 | | |
| | CRSNC - Centralized Receiving Facility Child Number Served | True | | 384 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 323 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge
| False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 852 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 48,624 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 17,347 | | |
| | AMH04 - Adult Mental Health State Hospital Discharges | False | | 115 | | |
| | AMH05 - Adult Mental Health Peer Support Number Served | False | | 300 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 -
Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 1,959 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 17,474 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 6,273 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 554 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 8,048 | | |
| | ASA07 - Adult Substance Abuse Peer Support Number Served | False | | 10 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 233 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH01 - Children's Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 0 | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 10,836 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 3,805 | | |
| | CMH04 - Children's Mental Health Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP) Discharges | False | | 0 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA01 - Children's Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 382 | | |
| | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 9,019 | | |
| | CSA03 - Children's Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 571 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Charlotte Behavioral Health Care, Inc. (59-1234922) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc.
(59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 43 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,854 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 392 | | |
| | DC001 - Percent of members who indicate that they would like a referral on the Quality of Life Self-Assessment, will receive an appropriate referral for services based on a quarterly review | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | DC002 -
Percent of members that complete the Quality of Life Self-Assessment will rate their overall quality of life as fair or greater based on a quarterly review | True | | 60.00% | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 -
Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 -
90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | |
90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 602 | | |
| | NCS107 - Number of Participants Served in Drop-In/Self-Help | False | | 3,245 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 178 | | |
| | SOAR1 -
Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 1 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served
| False | | 65 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 610 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 321 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 6 | | |
| | ASA05 -
Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 294 | | |
| | BHC01 - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC01B - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02 - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02B - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC03 - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | BHC03B - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 90 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | MSA91J - Percent of parents served who complete a pre and post Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) will improve their parenting functioning as measured on the AAPI-2 between admission and discharge. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | NCS204 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 245 | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 248 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CAT01 - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT02 - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03 - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT04 - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT06 - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge as determined by the NCFAS-G+R...
| True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 380 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 72 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 -
Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| CSA | |
CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 204 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing
| False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Coastal Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. (59-1432136) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served
| False | | 2,249 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 1,444 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | |
86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 7,920 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 5,000 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 239 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 51 | | |
| | BHC01 - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02 - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC03 - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | |
10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 23,901 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 -
All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 324 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA01 - Children's Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 119 | | |
| | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 225 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Community Assisted and Supported Living, Inc. (65-0869993) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 16 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 256 | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 149 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 38 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 -
All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, Inc. (59-1785265) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | CC001 - Veterans who speak with a Veteran Peer within 24 hours of first contact | False | | 1,250 | | |
| | CC002 - Veterans who receive Short-Term Care Coordination | False | | 625 | | |
| | CC003 - Safety Plans Successfully Implemented for Veterans | False | | 417 | | |
| ASA | | NCS204 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 8,751 | | |
| DACCO (59-1514993) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 35 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 509 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 737 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 282 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 3,167 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 81 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 1,154 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 60 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | MSA91J - Percent of parents served who complete a pre and post Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) will improve their parenting functioning as measured on the AAPI-2 between admission and discharge. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 11,083 | | |
| | NCS230 - Number of Participants Served in Information and Referral | False | | 2,850 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 684 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 -
Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| David Lawrence Center (59-2206025) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,233 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 676 | | |
| |
M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 9,909 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 152 | | |
| | ASA02 -
Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 491 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 497 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 10 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 345 | | |
| | BHC01 - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02 - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC03 - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS204 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 12,698 | | |
| NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 3,700 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CAT01 -
Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT02 - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03 - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT04 - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month.
| True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT06 - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge as determined by the NCFAS-G+R... | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 365 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 84 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 22 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Directions for Living (59-2092715) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 4,526 | | |
| | AMH05 - Adult Mental Health Peer Support Number Served | False | | 134 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| |
M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 4,047 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 60 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 9 | | |
| | ASA07 - Adult Substance Abuse Peer Support Number Served | False | | 60 | | |
| | BHC01 - Information from BHC review will be supplied to CPI within one business day. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC02 - BHC information will assist CPI in FFA completion. | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | BHC03 - BHC will provide training/information sharing in community about the BHC position. | True | | 0 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | MSA91A - Percent of parents served will be living in a stable housing environment at time of discharge. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91C - This measure is no longer used. Percent of discharge Summaries completed within seven (7) days of discharge from services. | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91D - This measure is no longer used. Percent of completed initial level of care assessments (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM) within 15 days of enrollment | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | MSA91E - This measure is no longer used. Percent of parent(s) initiated into treatment services within 2 business days of completed assessment (Biopsychosocial assessment and ASAM). | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | MSA91H - Minimum number of families to be served. | True | | 60 | | |
| | MSA91I - Percent of parents served will improve their level of functioning as measured by the Daily Living Activities (DLA-20): Alcohol-Drug Functional Assessment. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | MSA91J - Percent of parents served who complete a pre and post Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-2) will improve their parenting functioning as measured on the AAPI-2 between admission and discharge. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 1,504 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 929 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| | SOC01 - Number Served through CMHSOC Grant: Year 1/FY 17-18; Year 2/FY 18-19; Year 3/FY 19-20. (Monthly) | True | | | | |
| SOC02 - No fewer than 90% of clients served through the CMHSOC Project per quarter are enrolled in the State and, if eligible, the National Evaluations. (Quarterly) | True | | 90.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 110 | | |
| | M0725 -
Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| First Step of Sarasota, Inc. (59-1304472) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 52 | | |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 94 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,477 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 1,025 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 20 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 598 | | |
| |
M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS204 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 10,783 | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 3,230 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 -
All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 418 | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, Inc. (59-1229354) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 240 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 150 | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | NCS130 - Number of Participants Served in Information and Referral | False | | 39 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 200 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 14 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 750 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 -
Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Hope Club House (30-0437443) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | CH001 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with severe and persistent mental illness based on a quarterly review | True | | 40 | | |
| | CH002 - Percent of adults with serious mental illness who are competitively employed based on a quarterly review | True | | 40.00% | | |
| | NCS140 - Number of Participants Served in Mental Health Clubhouse | False | | 5,500 | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| IMPOWER, Inc. (65-0439778) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | |
86.00% | | |
| ASA | | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| | M0780 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - At-Risk | False | | 96.00% | | |
| CSA | | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 -
Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Jewish Family & Children's Services of the Suncoast (59-2693318) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 125 | | |
| | JF001 - Percent of clients will be linked to a provider. (Monthly) | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | JF002 - Of the 90% of clients that are linked with a provider, 30% will be engaged and have attended the appointment. (Monthly) | True | | 30.00% | | |
| | JF003 - Percent reduction in Baker Acts and hospitalizations. (Quarterly) | True | | 23.00% | | |
| | JF004 - Percent of children and youth who will be diverted from re-engagement in the criminal justice system. (Quarterly) | True | | 100.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| KC Guardian, Inc. (59-3652900) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 414 | | |
| | KCG01 - Provide Guardian services to all assigned individuals | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG02 - Provide Guardian Advocate services, assigned by the court, to new individuals residing in Polk, Hardee and Highlands counties per month. This will make a distinct count of 200 services | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG03 - Clients residing in Polk County will receive least one (1) Face-to-Face visit per month | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG04 - Clients residing outside of Polk County will receive at least one (1) Face-to-Face visit per quarter with at least one (1) contact with the facility/Staff per month. | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG05 - Clients that are being treated in the state hospitals will be seen at least once a year with monthly contact to the facility/staff | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG06 - Clients that are being treated in the state hospitals more the 90 days will have a face to face quarterly | True | | 100.00% | | |
| | KCG07 - Clients meeting established criteria will be seen once a month | True | | 100.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Lee Memorial Hospital (59-0714812) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 350 | | |
| | M0003 -
Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | NCS144 - Number of Participants Served in CCST - Individual | False | | 141 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Mental Health Care, Inc. d/b/a Gracepoint (59-0747306) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 60 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 8,886 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 1,543 | | |
| | CRS01 - Reduce drop-off processing time by law enforcement officers for admission to crisis services. (MHC/Gracepoint only) | True | | 0 | | |
| | CRS02 - Increase participant access to community-based behavioral health services after referral. | True | | 60.00% | | |
| | CRS03 - Reduce number of individuals admitted to a forensic state mental health treatment facility | True | | 10 | | |
| | CRS04 - Percent of high utilizers of acute care services served at the CRF who do not have primary care services will be successfully linked with primary care and/or a behavioral health medical home within four weeks of discharge... | True | | 25.00% | | |
| | CRS05 -
Percent of persons identified as meeting criteria for high need/high utilization who are active in care coordination services will not have an acute care admission while receiving those services | True | | 20.00% | | |
| | CRSNA - Centralized Receiving Facility Adult Number Served | True | | 11,538 | | |
| | FMT01 - Percent of adults in forensic involvement who live in a stable housing environment | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | FMT02 -
Percent of adults in forensic involvement who are not readmitted to a CSU within 90 days of discharge | False | | 80.00% | | |
| FMT03 - Percent of adults in forensic involvement diverted from incarceration | True | | 25.00% | |
| | FMT04 - Forensic Individuals Served | False | | 45 | | |
| | GP001 - Minimum percent of individuals discharged who will not be readmitted to a crisis stabilization unit within 90 days of discharge | True | | 87.00% | | |
| | GP002 - Minimum percent of individuals served who will have attained at least one goal identified on their individual care plan at time of discharge | True | | 85.00% | | |
| | GPL01 - Percentage of individuals referred for services wil be processed within seven calendar days of referral until facility is at maximum census | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | GPL02 - Percentage of individuals referred and accepted for services will be admitted within seven calendar days of acceptance upon court approval and when a bed is available | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | GPL03 - Percentage of individuals admitted for services who will be subsequently discharged to a less restrictive level of care | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 1,140 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 422 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CAT01 - Number of Persons Served on Community Action Team (CAT) Per Month. | True | | 35 | | |
| | CAT02 - Individuals receiving services shall attend an average of 80% of school days each month. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT03 - Percent of individuals receiving services shall improve their level of functioning between admission to discharge, assessed on a year-to-date basis, as determined by CFARS or FARS. | True | | 80.00% | | |
| | CAT04 - Individuals served will spend a minimum of 90% of days living in a community setting each month. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | CAT06 - Percent of individuals and families receiving services shall demonstrate improved family functioning as demonstrated by an improvement in the Child Well-Being domain between admission and discharge as determined by the NCFAS-G+R... | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,831 | | |
| | CMH03 - Children's Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 162 | | |
| | M0012 - Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Mental Health Community Centers, Inc. (65-0238526) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 96 | | |
| | AMH05 - Adult Mental Health Peer Support Number Served | False | | 41 | | |
| | DC001 - Percent of members who indicate that they would like a referral on the Quality of Life Self-Assessment, will receive an appropriate referral for services based on a quarterly review | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | DC002 - Percent of members that complete the Quality of Life Self-Assessment will rate their overall quality of life as fair or greater based on a quarterly review | True | | 60.00% | | |
| | MHCC01 - Percentage of individuals who return to CSU or Detox after 45 days of receiving the PAL program shall not exceed | True | | 10.00% | | |
| | MHCC02 - Percentage of individuals served by Peer Specialists that improve and/or remain the same on their Treatment Planning goals from admission to discharge and who engage in peer services for a period of 90 days or more | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | MHCC03 - Percentage of individuals served by Peer Specialists will not readmit to CSU or Detox within 30 days of their last discharge | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | NCS107 - Number of Participants Served in Drop-In/Self-Help | False | | 41,816 | | |
| | NCS144 - Number of Participants Served in CCST - Individual | False | | 4,089 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service
| False | | 95.00% | | |
| Mental Health Resource Center, Inc. (59-1905344) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 435 | | |
| | AMH05 - Adult Mental Health Peer Support Number Served | False | | 104 | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 - Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 -
Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 -
50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 -
90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record.
| True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04B - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04C - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT04D - FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT05B - FACT05 - Perent of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT05C - FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT05D -
FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FCT06B - FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT06C -
FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT06D - FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT07B -
FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment... | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT07C - FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment... | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT07D - FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment...
| True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FCT08B - FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT08C - FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT08D - FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09B - FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09C -
FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT09D - FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10B - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record.
| True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10C - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT10D - FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11B - FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11C - FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FCT11D -
FACT11 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 -
Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| NAMI Collier County, Inc. (65-0047747) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 89 | | |
| | DC001 - Percent of members who indicate that they would like a referral on the Quality of Life Self-Assessment, will receive an appropriate referral for services based on a quarterly review | True | | 95.00% | | |
| | DC002 - Percent of members that complete the Quality of Life Self-Assessment will rate their overall quality of life as fair or greater based on a quarterly review
| True | | 60.00% | | |
| | NCS107 - Number of Participants Served in Drop-In/Self-Help | False | | 5,442 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 2,450 | | |
| | NCS130 - Number of Participants Served in Information and Referral | False | | 111 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| NAMI Lee County, Inc. (65-0122844) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 3,489 | | |
| | NCS130 - Number of Participants Served in Information and Referral | False | | 1,106 | | |
| Northside Mental Health Center, Inc. (59-1641327) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 73 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 3,758 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 681 | | |
| | FACT01 -
Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 - Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% |
| |
| | FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI
| False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 16,885 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 22,235 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission | True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 -
Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CMH | | CMH02 - Children's Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,075 | | |
| | M0012 -
Percent of School Days attended - SED | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | M0377 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - ED | False | | 64.00% | | |
| | M0378 - Percent of Children who improve their Level of Functioning - SED | False | | 65.00% | | |
| | M0778 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - ED | False | | 95.00% | | |
| | M0779 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing - SED | False | | 93.00% | | |
| MH | | MHD95 - Percent of Mental Health consumers that shall be discharged within 210 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Operation PAR, Inc. (59-1349234) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| ASA | | ASA01 - Adult Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 402 | | |
| | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 4,838 | | |
| | ASA03 - Adult Substance Abuse Detox Number Served | False | | 823 | | |
| | ASA04 - Adult Substance Abuse Women's Specific Services Number Served | False | | 73 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 3,034 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | M0755 - Percent of Adults who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 51.00% | | |
| | M0756 - Percent of Adults who live in a stable housing environment at the time of discharge | False | | 94.00% | | |
| | NCS215 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 3,227 | | |
| | NCS230 - Number of Participants Served in Information and Referral | False | | 5,240 | | |
| BHS | | DEMO1 - All demographic data shall be submitted within 5 business days of eligibility (tracked independently each month). | False | | 95.00% | | |
| CSA | | CSA01 -
Children's Substance Abuse Residential Care Number Served | False | | 90 | | |
| | CSA02 - Children's Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 1,709 | | |
| | M0725 - Percent of Children who Successfully Complete Treatment | False | | 48.00% | | |
| | M0751 - Percent change in the number of Children arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 20.00% | | |
| | M0752 - Percent of Children who live in Stable Housing | False | | 93.00% | | |
| SA | | MSD95 - Percent of Substance Abuse consumers (except Methadone and Prevention) that shall be discharged within 120 days of the last service | False | | 95.00% | | |
| Peace River Center (59-0818924) ME: Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (59-3467610) | Self-Reported | Fiscal Target | YTD Target | YTD Value | Dataset |
| AMH | | AMH01 - Adult Mental Health Residential Care Number Served | False | | 32 | | |
| | AMH02 - Adult Mental Health Outpatient Care Number Served
| False | | 2,115 | | |
| | AMH03 - Adult Mental Health Crisis Care Number Served | False | | 3,156 | | |
| | CH001 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with severe and persistent mental illness based on a quarterly review | True | | 40 | | |
| | CH002 - Percent of adults with serious mental illness who are competitively employed based on a quarterly review | True | | 40.00% | | |
| | FACT01 - Percent of adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses who live in stable housing environment. | False | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT02 - Average annual days worked for pay for adults with a severe and persistent mental illness. | False | | 40 | | |
| | FACT03 - Percent of all individuals enrolled will maintain or show improvement in their level of functioning as measured by the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS). | False | | 75.00% | | |
| | FACT04 - 90 percent of staffing requirements will be maintained monthly. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT05 - Five percent or less of all individuals enrolled will be admitted to a state mental health treatment facility while receiving FACT services or within thirty (30) days of discharge from the program. | True | | 5.00% | | |
| | FACT06 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have a completed psychiatric/social functioning history time line within 120 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record.
| True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT07 - 50 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive work-related services toward a goal of obtaining employment (unless the individual refuses) within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 50.00% | | |
| | FACT08 - 90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall receive housing services toward a goal of obtaining independent, integrated living within one year of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT09 - 90 percent of all initial assessments shall be completed on the day of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT10 - 90 percent of all comprehensive assessments shall be completed within 60 days of the person’s enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | FACT11 -
90 percent of all individuals enrolled shall have an individualized, comprehensive recovery plan within 90 days of enrollment with written documentation of the service occurrence in the clinical record. | True | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0003 - Average annual number of days worked for pay - SPMI | False | | 40 | | |
| | M0703 - Percent of Adults who are Competitively Employed - SPMI, MH Crisis, Forensic | False | | 24.00% | | |
| | M0742 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - SPMI
| False | | 90.00% | | |
| | M0743 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Forensic | False | | 67.00% | | |
| | M0744 - Percent of Adults who live in Stable Housing - Mental Health Crisis | False | | 86.00% | | |
| | NCS104 - Number of Participants Served in Crisis Support/Emergency | False | | 1,856 | | |
| | NCS115 - Number of Participants Served in Outreach | False | | 9 | | |
| | NCS140 - Number of Participants Served in Mental Health Clubhouse | False | | 1,391 | | |
| | SOAR1 - Maintain a minimum completion rate of 75% of applications completed and submitted within 60 days of the Protective Filing Date | True | | 75.00% | | |
| | SOAR2 - Maintain a minimum rate of 65% of submitted applications approved on the initial submission
| True | | 65.00% | | |
| | SOAR3 - Achieve a minimum quarterly target for completed SSI/SSDI applications. | True | | 4 | | |
| ASA | | ASA02 - Adult Substance Abuse Outpatient Care Number Served | False | | 203 | | |
| | ASA05 - Adult Substance Abuse Injecting Drug Users Number Served | False | | 46 | | |
| | ASA07 - Adult Substance Abuse Peer Support Number Served | False | | 10 | | |
| | M0753 - Percent change in clients who are employed from admission to discharge | False | | 10.00% | | |
| | M0754 - Percent change in the number of Adults arrested 30 days prior to admission versus 30 days prior to discharge | False | | 15.00% | | |
| | |